Paul's Album # 1 |
Mr. Pickhead
Mr. Pickhead was my first formal release, recorded mostly in 2002 and 2003. It's been featured on WDET in Detroit, has sold several copies thanks to iTunes and CD Baby, and generally has been well received in its time. It's a musical narrative, tracing the ascension of an anthropomorphized cloned plectrum from the rank of a lowly Private in the military all the way through promotions that ultimately lead to adventures in outer space. His Homeric journey includes the necessary beloved, Mrs. Pickhead (to be), and his resolve to return to Earth in order to reunite with her. The final track is her message broadcast to him as he spirals into the depths of the Galaxy.
Although the guitar has always been my primary instrument, I do not regard it as the principal element when developing soundscapes. Additionally, the continuity of the clips posted below as a whole is varied, but not so much as to render the sequence unrelated. That is, Clip 4 may not be anticipated by listening to Clip 2; however, on the whole, I believe the album represents a comprehensive sound or "vibe," and is not simply straining to cover too much ground. I believe Mr. Pickhead is better understood and enjoyed as an album and not a series of clips, which is true for most albums, no?
Clip 1 | Clip 2 | Clip 3 | Clip 4 | Clip 5 | Clip 6 | Clip 7

Paul's Album # 2 |
Baby Pickhead
Baby Pickhead is a sophomore effort that reflects through more mature compositions and better overall audio quality than its predecessor, which signals modest development as a recording artist... I hope. It is still in the Pickhead family, a follow-up CD for Mr. Pickhead. It anticipates the eventual reunion, matrimonial and otherwise, of Mr. and Mrs. Pickhead and details in the same narrative fashion the challenges facing modern youths, as represented here by Baby Pickhead, in the technologically advanced world of tomorrow (or today). Tracks from this effort, too, were aired on WDET in Detroit.
In this album, I continued to explore as many sounds as my current studio will allow, taking advantage of outboard synthesized and soft-synth sounds, drum samples, and guitar.
Clip 1 | Clip 2 | Clip 3 | Clip 4 | Clip 5 | Clip 6

Keeley Electronics |
Keeley Electronics
As a result of my own personal musical pursuits, I've been commissioned to record sound clips for Robert Keeley's guitar products, the likes of which are used and vehemently endorsed by such artists as John Mayer, Peter Frampton, Brad Paisley, and many, many others. I have created a Web site dedicated to one of his products, the Fuzz Head, a pedal that is an original design by Robert Keeley, and I have since produced several other sound files for his uses, including clips for his Nova Wah and modified Ibanez TS9.
I will include examples of this work below.
Some of these clips are intended to demonstrate to his customers the sound of the pedal with the guitar alone, and others, such as Clips 1 (which is my personal favorite) and 4, are within the context of other instruments. These are absolutely guitar-heavy clips, as this is exactly why I was hired to produce them. Some sound "roomy" (for example, Clip 5), which is intentionally so, simply because not all of Robert Keeley's customers play guitar on stage. Though, as mentioned above, many of his customers are highly visible players, such as Steve Vai!
Clip 1 | Clip 2 | Clip 3 | Clip 4 | Clip 5

Retro-Sonic |
I have also recorded audio clips featuring two pedals created by Tim Larwill of Retro-Sonic, another maker of guitar effects. This client made specific requests as to which songs he would like to have on his site, and I'm now commissioned to continue with two more of his latest product releases. According to Tim, his customers regularly visit these clips, and states that Breathe is on some folks' playlists. The recordings have generated so much excitement for his products that we continue to have a solid working relationship to this day.
These samples, like the Fuzz Head clips, are entirely devoted to the guitar effect itself and downplay extensive production, unlike the Keeley Nova Wah and Ibanez TS9 files that are used in the context of an ensemble.
Briefly, here are some comments taken from online forums where musicians discuss everything, though mostly gear:
"The clips on both [a competitor's product] sounded good, but Retro-Sonic just dropped my jaw...."
"I ordered one of the new Retro-sonic phasers yesterday from Teddy. The sound clips were just too ooey-gooey, rich and chewy to pass up. I'll post a report when the little bastard arrives early next week."
"The clips are some of the best GAS [Gear Acquisition Syndrome] inducing clips I've heard."
"The sound clips alone make me want to get one."
Clip 1 | Clip 2 | Clip 3

Ideas, Loops, and Musings |
Ideas, Loops, and Musings--mainly with the Echoplex Digital Pro (EDP)
Whenever I can, I capture what I'm practicing, musing, rehearsing, or goofing onto tape (or Mac), listen to it, learn from it, and continue on. Now and then jewels are sifted from the silt, and that's how I regard these clips. New gear inspires new ideas, and new ideas can give way to new recordings. I'm grateful for having learned to press "record" (it's more difficult than it sounds--and MY how things do change once that red light is ON). Though the extent of lost material is great. It's made me learn to appreciate Tibetian sand murals. Clip 5 features a dry loop which is then processed with an Eventide TimeFactor. Clip 6 borders on the brink of becomming an insane runaway loop, but never quite goes that far, and if you listen on an iPod or something similar, when it's finished hopefully the title makes sense. Clip 1 is an EDP and Ensoniq DP/4 in sync recording loops on the guitar and drums/percussion. Clip 2 is a vibe, Clip 3 more loops (Les Paul that I sold! Doh!), Clip 4 a Tele put to ambient use. Ah.... the EDP!! I sincerely thank you for listening!
Clip 1 | Clip 2 | Clip 3 | Clip 4 | Clip 5 | Clip 6

The Keeley Effect |
The Keeley Effect
And here's my latest, latest album, as of January 2008. Recorded with The Brothers Groove and The Motor City Horns, this is the largest production I've undertaken. Co-produced by that artist's engineer, Robert Keeley, The Keeley Effect is thirteen tracks of ... hard working music: a real honor to make and backed by a "gem in the current music biz."
Clip 1 | Clip 2 | Clip 3 | Clip 4 | Clip 5 | Clip 6

Old Shoe |
Old Shoe
I'm in the Chicago band, Old Shoe. We're due to play for the second time at the enormous, regional festival Summer Camp, this spring, May 2013; and, similarly, at Wakarusa, 2013, for the first time. Old Shoe is comprised of a great group of guys: Matt Robinson, Joe Day, Greg Fundis, and Daniel Huber. I will upload some clips soon, but in the meantime you can find our first two albums (sans Joe Day and Greg Fundis) on iTunes and CD Baby. Old Shoe III is being worked on now, and we anticipate that it will be ready by summer of 2013. Though this third album is not yet finished, we're proud of its progress, and I think it will showcase what this live band can do.
Please email: Paul J. Priest |